Crop Science at INRES (University Bonn)
The overarching aim of the Professorship Crop Science at University of Bonn is to support the development of sustainable crop and farming systems under current and future climate conditions to improve food security while minimizing negative environmental impacts. Our international and multidisciplinary group consists of crop scientists and modellers, as well as, geographers, engineers, soil scientists, ecologists and mathematicians.
- New publication in "Nature Plants"
- Frank Ewert is among the “Highly Cited Researchers 2024”
- Nature Data publication on multiple years of aboveground data of the minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen, Germany
- Research poster from DFG-DETECT program received an award from 12th ISRR conference 2024 in Leipzig.
- DAKIS contribution receives award for best poster at the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" summit
- Nature review on climate change impacts on crop yields
- Nature data paper on multi-year belowground data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen
- Our new article in Nature food: “Adapting crop production to climate change and air pollution at different scales”