Universität Bonn

INRES Pflanzenbau

Cropping system simulation for climate risk assessments


Elective module for Master Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management (ARTS), Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology (NaLa), and Crop Science


Dr. Ixchel Hernandez-Ochoa


Dr. Ixchel Hernandez Ochoa, Andreas Enders


Students receive an overview of climate risk in cropping systems, mechanistic models and their application for adaptation strategies and impact risk assessments that can be explored with such models, such as, irrigation, fertilizer, crop diversification, cultivar selection, and land suitability. Students will understand different data requirements, sources and quality for model input, calibration and validation.

The content of the module can be summarized in the following:

  • Climate risk definitions, environmental factors affecting crop production.
  • Brief overview on types of crop models (e.g. statistical, mechanistic), available modelling frameworks, crop model limitations, input and output data for upscaling.
  • Observed data collection for model use: sources, quality and limitations.
  • Model calibration and validation using SIMPLACE (Scientific Impact assessment and Modelling
  • Platform for Advanced Crop and Ecosystem management).
  • Practical exercises for model calibration and model applications for climate impacts, adaptation and risk.

Time & Location

Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 ct, Seminar room Katzenburgweg 5


see E-Campus

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