Developing Intercropping for agrifood Value chains and Ecosystem Services delivery in Europe and Southern countries
IntercropValueES aims to exploit benefits of intercropping to design and manage productive,
diversified, resilient, profitable, environmentally friendly cropping systems acceptable to farmers and actors in the agri-food chain. The research of our group focusses on nitrogen gas emissions in intercropping systems. On the basis of field experiments process-based models will be used to simulate intercropping systems in Europa and Africa. These process-based models are used to increase the understanding of the dynamics in intercropping systems and to find optimal site specific designs (e.g. sowing densities, partners). Furthermore, ecosystem (dis)services of intercropping systems are subject of the project.
Persons in charge
Dr. Sabine Seidel
PhD Candidate Pascal Winten
European Commission
Cooperating partners
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