Sofia Hadir
PhD Student
I am an agricultural engineer and researcher, and currently pursuing my PhD studies as part of the cluster of excellence Phenorob. The focus of my research activities is on the investigation of the below ground interactions and dynamics in different cropping systems using crop modelling and field experimentation.
Phenorob CP5: Optimizing crop mixtures for a sustainable and climate-resilient crop production by combining field experiments and crop models
Mikodu: Fruchtfolgen für optimierte Nutzung der Bodenressourcen: Mischanbau allorhizer und homorhizer Arten zur komplementären Durchwurzelung des Ober- und Unterbodens
Hadir, S., Gaiser, T., Hüging, H., Athmann, M., Pfarr, D., Kemper, R., Ewert, F. , Seidel, S. J. Sugar beet shoot and root phenotypic plasticity to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime omission. Agriculture 2021, 11, 21. doi: 10.3390/agriculture1101002
Faye, B., H. Webber, J. Naab, D.S. MacCarthy, M. Adam, F. Ewert, J.P. Lamers, C.-F. Schleussner, A.C. Ruane, U. Gessner, G. Hoogenboom, K. Boote, V. Shelia, F. Saeed, D. Wisser, S. Hadir, P. Laux, T. Gaiser, 2018. Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0° C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna. Environmental Research Letters 13. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaab40