Ongoing workshops
Reproducible Data Analysis with R - for Bachelor and Master Students (and PhD Students)
One week workshop - once or twice per year. More information.
SIMPLACE modelling workshop
Aim: to provide insights on new developments in the SIMPLACE modelling framework for the experience user group
Contact/Registration: Dr. Thomas Gaiser, email:
Dates: every Wednesday, 3 pm
Introduction to SIMPLACE
Aim: basic introduction to SIMPLACE modelling framework
Contact/Registration: Andreas Enders, email:
Dates: by request
Completed workshops
- Literate Data Analysis (G. Krauss)
- R - "The data-strugglers guide to tidyverse" (G. Krauss)
- Introduction to Python (G. Krauss)
- R-Workshop (G. Krauss et. al.)
- Paper writing seminar (A. Linstädter et. al.)
- Database Workshop (G. Krauss)
- Scaling Workshop (L. van Bussel et. al.)